I love to advertise on Craigslist for a couple good reasons. Number one is that the site is loved by the search engines. I get tons of traffic to OCDetails.com from my Craigslist postings. The other reason is that it absolutely works for me in my area. I have several customers who I can trace dozens of cars through just because they found me on Craigslist and offered me their friends as referals. It is a beautiful way to run a business.
There are a couple ways to utilize Craigslist to run your business. You can just put down your text and upload a couple pictures that show on the bottom of the ad. A better way is to use a little html coding and put the pictures in the body of the ad. Or even better, you can also write the ad in a program such as Dreamweaver and make it really stand out. Here is an example of the post that I use.
Click the graphic to see the whole page.
There are a couple ways to utilize Craigslist to run your business. You can just put down your text and upload a couple pictures that show on the bottom of the ad. A better way is to use a little html coding and put the pictures in the body of the ad. Or even better, you can also write the ad in a program such as Dreamweaver and make it really stand out. Here is an example of the post that I use.
Click the graphic to see the whole page.
Craigslist has changed a little bit recently and the hotspots on the pages that I am using as well as the images don't redirect to the links I have them set to send you to. That doesn't matter though, because I have the links at the bottom for navigating through the pages.
The way I make this work is I'll post the Oxidation page first. The links all send you to the site that you are looking at it on right now. Then the next day I'll post the Swirls page and change the links to the Oxidation page as well as the Swirls page. Each day I post a new page and update the links. Evenutally all of the ads are up and they all cross link. When a visitor finds one of the pages they will be able to view them all within Craigslist just like it was my own personal website.
You don't have to get as fancy as I have to make this work. A more simple design will do the trick. Here is one I built for a friend who used to own DetailCity.com. I have forwarded it to the current owner. Perhaps it will be something he uses. The principle of what you would accomplish with this type of design is the same as the one I'm using.
The whole point is that you can utilize online classified sites such as Craigslist to really advance your business. If they are going to be kind enough to allow you to use full html coding in your ad, then why not take advantage of that?
The page that I made is free for anyone who wants to use it. Just right click and copy the source code into whatever html editor you want to use. To edit the graphics you can just 'right click' and 'save as' into a folder on your computer. Feel free to let me know if you need any help. Help is free, but if you want something custom designed, then we can talk about that too. Enjoy!
EDIT: I found an interesting page that shows how to put a counter on Craigslist postings. Obviously you can add any old counter, but I thought this was interesting. Click Here to read all about it.
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